Day: May 18, 2017

Maruti Suzuki car ads, google, tata sponsored panaji pampered prostitute R&AW employee sunaina and NTRO employeesMaruti Suzuki car ads, google, tata sponsored panaji pampered prostitute R&AW employee sunaina and NTRO employees

Though Maruti Suzuki is one of major car manufacturers and advertisers of cars, no cars of maruti and datsun will be featured extensively on the websites because the fraud NTRO employees receiving SEX bribes from lazy greedy google, tata sponsored panaji pampered prostitute R&AW employee sunaina chodan 2013 bsc have been allegedly duping all companies in goa that the lazy greedy goan sex worker supplied to them by google, tata is doing all the work online, especially for wordpress blogs to get the lazy greedy google, tata sponsored panaji pampered prostitute R&AW employee sunaina a monthly R&AW salary at the expense of the domain investor, google competitor who is actually paying the website expenses and doing most of the related work.
The sundar pichai led google has been extremely vicious in defaming a google competitor, with a better 1989 jee rank than google ceo sundar pichai, putting her under surveillance and then falsely claiming lazy greedy frauds like google, tata sponsored panaji pampered prostitute R&AW employee sunaina chodan, who have no savings of their own, and do no work online, own the domain names, websites and paypal account of the google competitor.
Additionally voice to skull technology is being used by the fraud NTRO employees having sex with goan R&AW employee sunaina that they are duping people that sex worker sunaina, a lazy fraud is doing work online, when financial records and surveillance will prove that google, tata sponsored panaji pampered prostitute R&AW employee sunaina has never done any work online, her only connection with the indian internet sector is having sex with powerful top ntro, other officials , who then falsely claim that the sex worker has the resume, investment, paypal account of the google competitor, to get a monthly salary at the expense of the broke google competitor, domain investor.
Why does google, tata sponsored panaji pampered prostitute R&AW employee sunaina not open her own paypal account and make her own money spending her own time, why falsely claim to own the websites, domains, paypal account of a harmless google competitor.