Day: February 19, 2023

Gomechanic accounting fraud may be inspired by haryana’s top banking fraudster raw employee ruchita kingeGomechanic accounting fraud may be inspired by haryana’s top banking fraudster raw employee ruchita kinge


Mainstream media covers the news of Gomechanic financial fraud, not that of R&AW/cbi employees like greedy gurugram fraud ruchita kinge
The mainstream media in india like the economic times have covered the financial fraud of a gurugram, haryana based startup Gomechanic, a vehicle repair startup which was allegedly faking its financial records

Yet the mainstream media refuses to cover the accounting, financial fraud of raw/cbi employees, especially greedy gurugram fraud mba hr ruchita kinge, full time optum human resources manager, who is getting a monthly government salary for faking domain ownership, online income and bank account since 2012 like other lazy greedy fraud raw/cbi employees especially gujju stock trader amita patel, indore robber deepika/veena, goan bhandari raw employee call girl sunaina chodan.

The government policy of rewarding the ONLINE, accounting, financial fraud of raw/cbi employees, especially greedy gurugram fraud mba hr ruchita kinge, paying them monthly government salaries for FAKING bank account has led to widespread financial fraud in india, and the Gomechanic financial fraud is only the tip of the iceberg.
To cover up the accounting, financial fraud, the cunning cheater liar haryana officials are extremely vicious in slandering the hardworking single woman domain investor, making fake allegations without any proof at all to ruin her reputation, so that she does not get any help despite telling the truth.
Though bank details, financial records legally prove that greedy gurugram fraud mba hr ruchita kinge has never paid any money for domains like her fraud boyfriends puneet working in government agencies showing haryana government specializes in online, financial, accounting FRAUD ,the haryana government has got gurugram’s greatest CHEATER ruchita kinge a monthly government salary for FAKING ownership of this and other domains since 2012